Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration and Los Angeles Unified School District Host Inclusive Schools Week…LA…UNIFIED!

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Over 90 schools enrolled in this year’s week-long inclusion celebration. Students with and without disabilities were united through inclusive activities.

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, December 8, 2023 / — Today, at Stanley Mosk Elementary School, Los Angeles Unified Superintendent Carvalho celebrated the largest-ever, district-wide Inclusive Schools Week with over 400 elementary students with and without disabilities on that campus.

This partnership initiative between Los Angeles Unified and Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration has enrolled over 90 schools from pre-school to high school. The theme for this year’s launch is LA…UNIFIED! The participating schools throughout the city have hosted social inclusion events on their campuses this week, including assemblies, schoolwide art projects, sports, and more.

“We know that every child is unique and one-of-a-kind, and every beautifully-abled child has a chance to flourish and succeed if provided with the right opportunities,” Superintendent Alberto M. Carvalho said. “Los Angeles Unified offers hundreds of different learning programs to help our students with special needs adapt, excel and succeed. We are committed to embracing diversity and providing access to learning for ALL students.” Superintendent Carvalho.

The students and staff at Stanley Mosk Elementary were unified today through play! Adaptive rugby, provided by the incredible coaches and volunteer athletes from the Triumph Foundation, engaged students in athletics and awareness. They explored how individuals with disabilities play in sports and life, learned about the Paralympic Games (coming to LA in 2028), and learned how to work together through play!

“We love doing events like this for schools. It’s so important to teach kids about diverse abilities and inclusion, so they can be better equipped to make friends with people that are different than them. Sports are a great way to showcase what people with disabilities are capable of and get all the kids to play together,” shared Andrew Skinner, Triumph Foundation Co-Founder & Executive Director.

Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration has been working closely with the district to create and implement the initiative. For 20 years, they have served the district’s schools through their social inclusion program, Together, We Are Able, developed by SVP of Programs, Marnie Norris. This program has created awareness and inclusion for more than 55,000 students in over 250 schools. This year marks the first large-scale, joint initiative with the district, which will serve as the foundation to build upon in the years to come.

“The partnership with Los Angeles Unified for Inclusive Schools Week marks two decades of working together towards a more inclusive world for children of ALL abilities! We are honored to have this valued relationship and look forward to continuing our collaborative and impactful work on behalf of the students served by Los Angeles Unified,” said Inclusion Matters CEO/Co-Founder Tiffany Harris.

Inclusive Schools Week is a visible celebration of the district’s commitment to creating inclusive learning environments that celebrate and support social inclusion for students of all abilities.

About Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration: In its 26th year, Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration is an international organization that creates play, dignity and social equity for children with disabilities through the creation of inclusive playgrounds and education programs that unite children of all abilities. There are 80 inclusive playgrounds open worldwide, with 42 in the Los Angeles region. In addition to their education and family inclusion programs, they have trained thousands of educators, parents, and organizations to facilitate inclusion across the world. Their training curriculum is in 67 countries.

About Inclusive Schools Week: Started in 2001 by the Inclusive Schools Network and Stetson & Associates, Inclusive Schools Week is a nationwide movement that celebrates the progress that schools have made in providing a supportive and quality education to an increasingly diverse student population, including students who are marginalized due to disability, gender, socio-economic status, cultural heritage, language preference, and other factors.

About Los Angeles Unified School District’s Division of Special Education: Los Angeles Unified is committed to creating learning environments that promote inclusive education for students with disabilities to foster higher expectations for academic, social and vocational outcomes. The district serves over 60,000 students with disabilities, 62% of whom spend 80% or more of their day in the general education class.

About Triumph Foundation: Triumph Foundation’s mission is to help children, adults, and Veterans with Spinal Cord Injury/Disorder (SCI) to triumph over obstacles they face and to inspire them to keep moving forward with their lives by pushing themselves to get better every day. For 15 years, they have provided resources, hope and security to people living with paralysis – not just initially when the injury occurs, but as a lifelong support network.

Marnie Norris
Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration
+1 818-988-5676
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